Doug and I took a road trip down to Utah to see my family from August 20-27. It was such a great trip. We visited with over 45 relatives!!
This is what greeted us on our bed at Karla's as we arrived!
Salt water taffy to last us a year, and a 'Stringham Family' framed picture...cute!!
We enjoyed a family dinner with Karla and Kevin and some of their kids and grandkids. We had fun eating and visiting and 'catching up!.
It's always a great party at Karla's!!!
Karla and her newest granddaughter, Brynnlee.
I think they have a deep bond already, look at those smiles!
Karla wanted her little granddaughter to get her name and a blessing while we down there, and Karla asked Doug to do that for them.
Brynnlee was born on July 1st, Canada Day, so Karla thought it very appropriate for a Canadian to bless her!
It was wonderful, she is a very dear baby!!
Justin (with the beard) and Chelsea (his wife) and their children, Miken and Brynnlee with Karla and Bryan.
Such a cute family!!
Kevin playing his grandson, Kristine's little boy. Kevin is such a 'goofy', fun grandpa.
It so fun to watch him with his grandkids!!
A 'selfie' of all the girls at the party. Karla, Brynlee (Justin's new baby) Stephie (Jace's fiancé), Chelsey (Justin's wife), Kristine (Kevin's daughter) and her twin daughters and Joeen (Kevin's wife) ...and me!
Fun Times with Kevin and Karla, it was so good to be with them again. I was glad Kevin and Joeen came up from St George!
All of us, Doug and Kathy, Karla and Bryan, Joeen and Kevin, out for Mexican food!
Late one evening, Karla took us to see yes new Central Provo Temple. It is the old Tabernacle that burnt down several years ago, they have re-built it as a temple. It will open in the Spring. So beautiful!!
We went down to Salem to see my Uncle Clyde and help him celebrate his 80th birthday.
It was so great to see my Aunt Betty (and enjoy her cooking) again and to see my cousins and their families!
They have wonderful children.
We went up to Bountiful and visited with my brother Brad's oldest son Brandon and Talicia and their kids.
He works for the FBI, that's kinda cool!
We also saw Wendy (Brad's youngest daughter) and her husband, Greg, and their kids. She is Lindsay's age.
They are building a home and currently live with her mom, Michele.
While in Bountiful, we visited with Michele, Brad's wife. It was so good to see her again.
She has really adjusted well to living on her own since Brad passed away, and is doing many things to keep herself busy.
She is taking the time to do some fun travelling!

We enjoyed relaxing up there, it is such a beautiful spot. We all wished we could have stayed longer!!
We also had a chance to visit with my brother's K and Bryan and their families on Monday night, it was so good to see them all again.
And then on Tuesday morning, we had a chance to help K and his daughter, Amy collect hay bales from their nearby was so fun throwing hay bales onto the trailer with K, who is so brave and dealing with stage four cancer and all that entails! He is such a great example of courage to us!!

We love Waterton and the beautiful lakes and hikes that are there.
We took the nice hike around Cameron Lake, it was so lovely and peaceful.
It was great to be back in Alberta, but we thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Utah and seeing a lot of family again!! They mean so much to us!
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