Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Moving Mark and Mowers

We went to Calgary on Saturday to help Mark move into his basement apartment. He couldn't move into the apartment because the previous occupant hadn't moved yet, so we just brought his stuff down from Edmonton and stored it in the garage of his new place. As we were driving down Mark's street, Dad saw a sign that said "free lawnmower"! Wow! He was so excited he immediately sent Mark back down the street to get it! This was a great find...not only was it free, but it worked! The only problem being that the self propelled transmission needed repairs. Doug brought it home, mowed the lawns, and happily stored it in the back yard! Another one of Dad's 'collections'!

While we were there we stopped in to have lunch with Jon, Tiff and the kids. It was so fun to see them again. Joshua was his smiley self and Ava had just gotten back from getting groceries with her dad! From what we hear, she is getting to be a great little helper! We were in heaven having seen all four of our Grandkids in the same week!

Knowing that we were going down to Phoenix, Dad had ordered some backpacking equipment for us, which had been delivered and was waiting for us when there. We brought it back with us last week from Phoenix, and we are so excited to start using it! We now have new lightweight backpacks that weigh under two pounds each! New down filled mummy bags, about two pounds each...and a new backpacking tent-weighing in at 1.5 pounds!!! We are hoping to get our first camping trip in sometime this month. Fun! Doug had to try out his new bag and Rachel loved it, too! She kept nuzzling into the soft down and loved the smell.

We have finally finished our Temple cleaning assignment. We were sad to give it up, we had finally learned how organize and direct the wards coming in to clean each night. We had a farewell dinner at our home on Friday night with our co- workers. We had become very good friends working together these past six months! We start our first assignment as Temple Workers this Friday from 3:00-9:00...a great opportunity for us to continue to serve.


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