Thursday, 31 May 2012

Classes, Mountains & Wild Animals

So we were lucky enough to get to the mountains again! It seems that we have been in the mountains for several weekends in a row now! We went to Jasper to a Dental Convention there for two days. Lindsay, Doug and I went up for the Conference, where we each attended several classes. I always find it so fun to be at a Conference where the presenters are well prepared and there is an excitement in the air for learning! That's how it was at this Conference. We all came away with some new information that will be very helpful to our dental practice.


I took a spouse option class in photography. It was taught by an outdoor photographer named Ross Pugh, who lives and works in Jasper. I hope to implement many of things I learned from him into my pictures! This is one of Maligne Lake and the surrounding mountains...not too bad!


The wonderful thing about being in Jasper is that we always see wildlife as we are driving or hiking around. This trip we saw this big elk, with a beautiful rack, just eating peacefully along the side of the road.


We saw many mountain goats, but this one was unusual because of his perfectly formed horns. He was just waiting there for us to come and take his picture, I think that's his little son behind him!


We stayed at a hotel in Hinton, a little town just outside of Jasper. While we were there Lindsay meet up with a friend who told her that Hinton is so small they don't even have a theatre, so for entertainment you have to go walk the 'beaver boardwalk'. We were a little skeptical, but we went. It is a series of trails, (about 3 km) made of boards that meander down through the wetlands.


It was late afternoon and the sun was lighting everything up perfectly, it was so beautiful! We had a lovely walk and saw many beaver dams and this cute little beaver! It was a fun and relaxing evening... so much better than a movie!

We drove home Saturday night to be back to church for Sunday. We had a Canada wide Stake Conference. We were blessed with the opportunity to listen to several general authorities, as well as two Apostles, Elder Christofferson and Elder Packer. It was nice to hear them speak outside of General Conderence, they somehow seemed more personable and 'human'. The importance of the family and temples seemed to be an over- riding theme.



Sunday afternoon we went up to see Doug's mom. She is making good progress. She actually got home from the hospital today and she will continue classes at the hospital once a week now for 6 weeks. She is very happy to be home and out of the hospital.



It was wonderful to get back to work. We had a lot of things to discuss after our Dental Conference! In one class, Lindsay learned how important flouride is, so she gave herself a flouride treatment!

Now that's applying what you learn!



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