Tuesday 2 June 2015

Summer Action

Several months ago we made the decision to tear down our little cabin at Wizard Lake.




It was a difficult decision, but we really want a newer, bigger place for our kids and grandkids to enjoy over the next 30-40 years!



We have had such great times at the cabin!!

It served us well for 14 years!




But it was time to make a change.

I cried as I watched her coming down!



It was so sad to watch all the work we had put into this little cabin being destroyed so quickly right before our eyes!




This is the driver of the trach hoe that was doing the demolition.

His name was Doug and he did such a great job!

So I made both Doug's pose for me in the debris of the cabin.

Now, nothing but a big, flat open field. However, it won't be for long.

We are excited to start the new cabin next week!

It will keep Doug busy, he is sub contracting the whole thing himself.


Ava, Joshie and Elena enjoying some time together in their playhouse.







Tiff, Elena and Joshie taking a break from exploring the Rockies.





Such beautiful kids and country!









Elena is 6 months old already, what a sweet little girl!

Is this her first trip to the zoo??



Cam with Brook and Mckinley at the Telus World of Science.

What cool dinosaurs!!



Looks like that tyrannosaurus is looking for a meal.


D, Colby and Brynn just chilling out under the dinosaur, and hoping he's not hungry!










Brooke, Mckinley and Brynn chiselling away for dinosaurs.

Wow...the intensity on their faces...how exciting!!









Colby made a new best friend at the fish aquarium.


Looks like the fish had a lot to say to Colby, he is a good listener!








Mark went to Phoenix for a few days last week and enjoyed a short holiday there. The car is a perk from his job!



He went to the Comicon Convention while in Phoenix and had some fun encounters...this seemed to be his favorite, Chewbaccca.


Ivy was an attentive listener in her dad's Primary class on Sunday.

She loves all the cute kids in his class...and they love her!



Ivy just hanging out and looking cool in her dad's aviator's saying...

"Hey, what's you looking at?"


What does a teething baby look like...a sweet 'little monster!'

Come on Ivy, get those molars already!!