I love my hat, but do I have to wear it even in my Pajamas?
What a great way for Doug to celebrate a birthday. Maybe we could come with the whole family next year!!
I love my hat, but do I have to wear it even in my Pajamas?
What a great way for Doug to celebrate a birthday. Maybe we could come with the whole family next year!!
This year we enjoyed our family in the mountains for Christmas!
Each family had a place of their own, which made it very comfortable this year.
Our family is growing!!
We enjoyed fun and games together!
Mark worked his magic with the cotton candy machine. Mckinley is in line first!
Yum...turnovers, always a traditional treat at the cabin.
Good looking cooks
Josh was looking for a 'jungle jim' to play on and found it on the stairs!!
Go Colby and Brynn and get every piece of candy or toy from that saran wrapped ball. What a fun game!!
And Mckinley got it, too, but it looks nice with her beads!
Oh, Joshie, what a good sport to have whipped cream smacked into your face! I hope it tastes good!
Jon is concentrating on his son's drill set. How does this work?
Brooke and her toys before she came to the cabiin.
McKinley and her new favorite pony, on Christmas morning at home.
Brynn is a monkey and loves monkies
That makes sense!! We love that little monkey!!
Colby got new wheels for Christmas, watch out!!
What a good looking train!
It was a wonderful Christmas for us to spend time with our family.
They are truly our most cherished gifts!!
Progress is being made at the cabin.
Carrying away all the wallboard garbage!
Wow, that looks like difficult work!
I'm so glad we hired experienced men to do the high stuff!!
It seems like so much equipment, I'm glad they know what they are doing!
Nice shot of the upstairs before the railings.
Balance is everything on those high ladders!
The fireplace just waiting for the stone!
Dad reviewing his supplies with the electrician, Kirk.
The flooring is here and ready to be put in!!
We are so pleased with the railings!
Wow, it's really starting to come together!!
We had a fun time celebrating Cam and D's new home!!
We had a family dinner, Jon and Tiff came up and we all shared in some good food and visiting!
The cousins enjoyed being together, and playing around in Brooke and McKinley's new bedroom.
Mark was loving the cuddles in their bonus room with sweet huggable McKinley!
D spent hours in their garage sanding off the finish on her kitchen table and then refinished it to perfection!! Wow, what energy and talent!
Mckinley was very careful to put her candies in the right order on her house.
What a nice pattern.
Brynn and Cam would put one on the house and one in the mouth!
Brynn was loving all the pretty candy!!
Ivy had a lot of help from mom and dad. Her's is lovely!!
The red gummies were her favorite!
Colby had fun helping everyone and especially loved the icing!
They all turned out magnificent, and they were just too beautiful to eat!
We really wished that Ava, Joshie and Elena could have been up helping us make the gingerbread houses, but they were having fun at home as Elena turned one November 20th!
What a cute picture with Santa!!
Wow, Elena is looking very serious, not sure she really loves Santa yet!
A shy Brooke with Olaf.
Winter and Christmas are coming!!
Doug had a wonderful Reunion with his growing up 'buddies' at the Red Deer Stake Conference in December.
Elder Randy Bennett of the Seventy with his wife, Shelly. President Rob Burnham of the Red Deer Stake and his wife, Collette. Doug and I representing the Edmonton Alberta Temple. And Bob and Fran Van Bruggen, who just just finished serving as Mission President in Russia. We enjoyed our visit! They've grown into wonderful men who love and serve the Lord!