We had a lovely Canadian Thansgiving this year. We celebrated it on Friday night by having a great feast of turkey and all the trimmings! We had Lindsay and James and his father and two brothers. Grandma was there as well as Cam and D and their three kids! It was a fun time visiting and being together. Mark finally made it...but too late for the photo!

We celebrated Brynnlee's first birthday last Sunday at Cam and D's place. It is so hard to believe that she is already one! She is really starting to show her personality.
D made her the cutest cake to eat 'all by herself'.
I think Brooke liked some of Brynnlee gifts as much as she did!!
She sure had fun pushing her around on her new rocking horse.
Brynnlee is so curious about everything, and will stare at something just figuring it out. It is fun to watch!
Last year at this time, she was a 'preemie' in the hospital. What a difference a year can make!
We are so glad to have her!!
We visited our home in Phoenix the end of September with our friends, Ron and Eileen Hallett. It's fun to travel with the Hallett's, they enjoy an adventure as much as we do.
However this trip was 'very unadventurous'. We spent a lot of our time getting the final touches done on our home so we can start renting it.
Doug would check his daily list of things to do and off we would go, getting a lot done in a day.
We really loved the Hallett's help and input.
We did try to find some time to cool off and have some fun.
Ron enjoying the sun and drying off!
We drove over to see Lake Pleasant, about a 15 minute drive from our place. It is a beautiful lake. Hopefully, we'll actually get on the lake next time we visit.
I am working full time now in our dental office with Doug and Cam, helping transition the office over to Cam.
We are still working in the Temple, and always look forward to our time there.
This is a busy time in our lives, but we are very happy and looking forward to some retirement years, soon!
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