Summertime is here and that means summer camps are happening! Doug left yesterday morning to go biking and hiking, with the Young Men in our Ward. They have been getting ready and preparing their bikes for this trip for several weeks now. Luckily the weather is hot, so I hope they're getting good weather up there in the mountains, too. They are about 40 miles west of Calgary, in an area called Kananaskis. They are going to bike up to their camp, then stay several days and hike the surrounding mountains and fish. I'm hoping Doug survives, but I know he loves this stuff!!

Tiffany, Jon's wife, asked me if I could babysit Ava, (3) and Josh (9 months) for a couple of days while she went to girl's camp. I was so excited to be able to go down to Airdrie and spend 3 days with them. We had a lot of fun together, going to the park, having baths, playing and just 'hanging out'! I"m glad Tiff had the opportunity to go, she said she really bonded with the Young Women, but really missed the kids! Jon came home from work in the evenings, it was fun to visit & be with him, too!
Last weekend we were able to finally spend some fun time at the cabin, getting on the lake and enjoying the boat. Jon and Tiff met us at the cabin on Friday and we visited and played with them and the kids all day!

Mark came out with us and we all really enjoyed the lake and the beautiful weather! He just finished teaching in Calgary, and starts a summer job today at Tommy Hilfiger, at Cross Iron Mall in Calgary. He got a permanent teaching contract beginning in September. He will be teaching at the Catholic School he was subbing at last year. They had an opening in their 5/6 class and hired Mark as their new full time teacher. He is excited to have a contract this coming year, this will help him secure his 'permanant teaching certificate'. We are so happy for him.
On Saturday, Doug had rented a bob cat and had ordered a full truck load of fresh soil and and a load of gravel to be delivered to the cabin so we could continue with our 'tree removal project'.

We now had all the stumps ground down to saw dust, so we needed to use the bobcat to pick up all the saw dust, put it on the trailer and haul it to the dump. Then, James used the bobcat to shovel all the new dirt that we had brought in into the 'stump holes', and spread out the gravel on the driveway and fire pit area. It was a full day project in the hot sun, but fun with everybody pitching in and enjoying time together!
It is so good to this have done. Now we have seeded the yard with new grass, and hopefully the yard will be useable for the schuduled Stringham Family Reunion out there in 3 weeks!
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