Well, Lindsay and James little baby girl was born on Thursday, June 12...eight days early!
Her name is Ivy Alyse Johnson and she weighed 7 lbs 8 oz. and she was 221/4 inches long. She is long and skinny.
Her daddy and grandpa were very happy to finally meet her!
This little Ivy has dark hair and dark blue eyes that look right at you. It is so fun watching her explore her environment.
Lindsay is a very tender mother, and it brings back so many memories for me of when she was that little!
She planned her arrival well, and came just 3 days before Father's Day. What a wonderful gift for James...she is definitely a "daddy's girl".
Brookie and all her cousins just love her and have welcomed her into the family with open arms.
Ivy really took to her Uncle Jon, they enjoyed spending some quiet time together. Looks like he is ready for his new baby in November. In just a few weeks he and Tiff will know if they are having another boy or another girl. We are excited for them either way!
Ivy was given a name and a blessing on Sunday, by her father James. Joining him in the sweet event were her two grandfathers, Doug and Jerry, and her uncles...Jon, Cam, Mark and Sam.
We had a dinner out at our cabin at Wizard Lake after church on Sunday.
It was a great feast with all of James family and our family there together.
It is always such a blessing when we are all together!! The cousins had fun eating and playing together!

We had a retirement party for him last week and invited the people in our building to come and enjoy a Marble Slab "ice cream buffet" in the atrium. It was so much fun!
Doug won't have very much 'down time', as we have been called to serve in the new Temple Presidency in the Fall.
I am so excited for this calling in the Temple, mainly because we get to serve in the temple and be near our kids and grandkids!!
Mark had a first time event that was fun for him...he ran his first five km run. It was called the "Graffiti Run".
He's trying to stay in shape for his 'West Coast Trail' hike this summer.
He ran it with two other friends and they really got plastered with paint during the run...looks messy, but fun!
It has been a busy, but very memorial few weeks...we are so blessed!