So we moved from Capul Island after fond farewell's with the friends we had met there, with promises of staying in touch. We really want Rhea to come to Edmonton. We are now in Legazpi, on the big Island for a few more days of "R, R and R", relaxation and rain! It seems!!

We are enjoying our stay here, it is a beautiful city. As we were relaxing and swimming yesterday at the pool, a worker came and asked if we would like a tour of the city. As it turns out his brother has a tricycle and could take, we were excited!
He first took us to the site of a 400 year old church that was destroyed by the volcano in 1814. Now all that is left is the rock bell tower, it is now a famous tourist site for the area.
The volcano is behind, covered by cloud. It is a beautiful area with a lot of lava rocks and the foundation rocks of the church still in place, but now uncovered by workers to preserve the area.
We then went to another old church built in 1779, this became the central place of worship after the volcano destroyed the older church. This one is on higher ground and was untouched by the volcano. Our driver and tricycle are in the foreground
This is inside the church, they have plants and candles as well images of Christ in their central alter area.
It was beautiful and seemed to be a very reverent place to worship, even though many tourists move through the chapel.
We next went to Lingnan Hill, another smaller inactive volcanic. We hiked up and took some great pictures of the city.
There was a long spit of land going out into the ocean made from lava rocks, it was interesting, the boulders were all from the volcanoe.
There were a lot of dive shops along the road, so we assume the scuba diving must be excellent here, too bad we didn't bring our certification cards!
This is Mike, our driver and guide for the day.
Lagazpi is a port city with a lot of shipping activity. It is a big city, over 2 million people from what our guide told us.
With such great weather, the warmth, humidity and rain they grow beautiful these orchids. They sell them in the markets, I wish I could bring some home as souvenirs for the girls!

So we will be flying to Manilla and leaving the Philippines tomorrow. We are sad to leave, there are so many fun things to see here, like these recent floats from 'Festival' . We found them abandoned in the municipal building's yard.
However, we are so looking forward to getting home and seeing our family and friends again...we have been gone 3 weeks and we are homesick!!
See you soon!